Connected to the previous report and finally finishing the run of defensive line that runs out to the back of Pangbourne itself. This is a short report by my standards. Out into open fields and connected to a previous visit to the area, this section of pillboxes takes me to the back of and through to the Thames itself.
It was certainly a much easier explore by my standards and a glorious day. This final run of pillboxes sits between Tidmarsh Lane and Sulham Lane.
Again evidence of being used as target practice. It must have been a sobering thought that even a pillbox of this magnitude would not have withstood a real direct engagement with an 8,8 cm Flak (Flugzeugabwehrkanone)18, let alone the latter uprated Flak 37.
It was certainly a much easier explore by my standards and a glorious day. This final run of pillboxes sits between Tidmarsh Lane and Sulham Lane.

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0005709
Close to a post-war housing estate, adjacent to a footpath, SE of Pangbourne. Type 22 infantry pillbox, with thickened walls. In front of the pillbox is a sluice and drain which once drained water from the adjacent anti-tank ditch.Irregularly-sided variant on a type 22 pillbox. Concrete-faced, formed with horizontal plank shuttering. Doorway on NE side, with one small rifle port to left of door.A low buttress-type structure projects from the West faces of the pillbox (purpose unknown). Faces South West (towards line of anti-tank ditch). All embrasures and doorway blocked up. A concrete drainage structure is close by.

Out past those pesky cows. A hazard of the job in hand..

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/28A): S0005711
Type 28A twin embrasure 2 pdr pillbox, converted into a large infantry pillbox, the 2dr large embrasure being replaced by an infantry embrasure. It was originally intended to be one of 2 type 28A's at this site. In itself this is a strange anomaly for the area.

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/28 TWIN): S0005713
Type 28A twin embrasure pillbox. [May be pillbox with original defence site number - 369].

Internal damage to a gun embrasure.

Placed charge showing the rebar blown inwards on the roof..

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/28 TWIN): S0005710
Anti-tank gun emplacement that has been blown up. The remains, which are considerable, with the N face intact, are heavily overgrown. The main anti-tank gun embrasure faced N. [It is rare to find a ruined pillbox such as this inland: most in a comparable condition are at the coast].
Type 28A twin embrasure 2 pdr pillbox, blown up during training at the end of WW2. Only a few remnants survive.

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