The above might be of good future reference for the more discerning who wish to carry out the research.
As mentioned - part two of the 5 hour explore of this wonderful site. Not all the emplacements were full accessible so i could only detail certain areas before coming up against the wall of hawthorn or brambles.
Leading off from the Command Centre are 6 Gun pits. 4 are type L emplacements and i shall for the sake of detailing the pits individually - number them 1 - 6 going clockwise from the main access road. Out of the 6 i managed to get into 4 of them. One was a cursory look around due to the state of the foliage. (pit 1)
Pits 3 and 4 held the 4.5 inch guns. These were added to the complex at a later date whilst the other 4 pits were `March 1938 pattern'.
Pits 5 and 6 could not be explored, both from the inner ring road or the outer surrounds.
Pit 1
The remains of the ammunition storage area.
Heavily overgrown.
Pit 2
Pit 3
Pit 4
A roofed concrete shelter compelete with blast walls that was used to store equipment serving the gun emplacements and the mobile Radar systems.
The view overlooking the Generator block / diesel room and equipment storage areas.
Located behind the second of the concrete blast shelters:
The two vehicle / equipment storage areas.
The Nissan Hut on site magazine.
The Generator Block
And finally.................
Very very pic heavy but i hope you enjoyed. Thanks for viewing.
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