Connected to two previous reports into the area of RAF Worthy Down. There is so much left to view and document in this area that it is an astounding place to visit. I still haven't got to all the areas needed though so this is still ongoing!!
The final area i took in before the camera died on me was the line of pillboxes south of the airfield. As stated in the other post i never managed to get to all the pillboxes in the area, missed one and never got to the other Dutch Barn Hanger. I also aim to get to the site of the disused site of Worthy Down station.
Walking back though Connaught Road until i found the public access path and gate, i then walked up the narrow path checking the gaps in the hedgerow for obvious signs of pillboxes. There was one located fairly near the start of the path but i missed this and continued up to S0012730 which i caught just by chance .
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012730
After kicking away the nettles this is the real first glimpse of the pillbox. Located on the left of the lane as if heading back towards the A34, the pillbox is completely concealed in ivy and i didn't attempt to get into this pillbox.
A view of the embrasure overlooking the porch. It was dank and wet in there so i decided to get internals from the outside. As you can see - the pillbox is concealed in clinging ivy.

Listed as having a tree growing out of the roof, this information needs adjusting and this information concerns S0012731 which is located in the field further back up the path. Wood shuttering used for all the internals. No internal AR wall. The internal shots were taken through the embrasures.
Doubling back up the path and the way i came and heading towards the line of pillboxes that skirted the outside of the airfield, hopping over the gate to the field, and walking up the nice access path to the pillboxes the farmer had kindly left. Thankfully the access to the line of pillboxes was between the fields so there was a excellent walk into the dip in the land and the banking on the other side to what was the old remnants of the rail track. It was an extremely hot day though and the only people i saw were squaddies out for a fitness run. Laden with a backpack and huffing and puffing their was past scrawny old me.
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012731
At junction of track and hedge, West of Kings Worthy. Pillbox - type 22 variant. Built around a tree: the floor and ceiling accommodate the trunk.
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012732
Continuing down the line of pillboxes and reaching the next pillbox. In open ground, West of Kings Worthy. Type 22 variant. Metal frame on embrasure to take the Turnbull mounting. Shelf supports survive.

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012733
Near hedgeline, West of Kings Worthy. Pillbox - type 22 variant. Metal frames on the embrasures to take Turnbull mountings.
Tucked up behind the hedgerow but accessible internally. It proves to me how close you can be to a pillbox but miss it out. This time i had walked the wrong side of the line of hedge and found nothing. Tracking back and walking the correct side of the hedge i found it. Often i am seen wandering around the bushes in an aimless manner. When locating the BHQ for this site i scared a woman when emerging out onto the path from the line of trees.
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012734
In hedge-line, West of Kings Worthy. Pillbox - type 22 variant. Metal frames on the embrasures to take Turnbull mountings.
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012735
This pillbox is almost at the end of it's life, subsiding, the potch entrance has fallen away and laying upside down, cracks at each corner of the facings, anti ricochet wall fallen away, roof collapsing, floor in a bad way etc.....though it does add for some interesting photos.
Walking back though Connaught Road until i found the public access path and gate, i then walked up the narrow path checking the gaps in the hedgerow for obvious signs of pillboxes. There was one located fairly near the start of the path but i missed this and continued up to S0012730 which i caught just by chance .
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012730
After kicking away the nettles this is the real first glimpse of the pillbox. Located on the left of the lane as if heading back towards the A34, the pillbox is completely concealed in ivy and i didn't attempt to get into this pillbox.

A view of the embrasure overlooking the porch. It was dank and wet in there so i decided to get internals from the outside. As you can see - the pillbox is concealed in clinging ivy.

Listed as having a tree growing out of the roof, this information needs adjusting and this information concerns S0012731 which is located in the field further back up the path. Wood shuttering used for all the internals. No internal AR wall. The internal shots were taken through the embrasures.

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012731
At junction of track and hedge, West of Kings Worthy. Pillbox - type 22 variant. Built around a tree: the floor and ceiling accommodate the trunk.

A little cutting back and stamping the nettles out of the way was required.

The lichen and moss gave the brickwork a delicious texture in the sun.

Continuing down the line of pillboxes and reaching the next pillbox. In open ground, West of Kings Worthy. Type 22 variant. Metal frame on embrasure to take the Turnbull mounting. Shelf supports survive.

Originally sealed.

Part of an old Gin Trap.

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012733
Near hedgeline, West of Kings Worthy. Pillbox - type 22 variant. Metal frames on the embrasures to take Turnbull mountings.
Tucked up behind the hedgerow but accessible internally. It proves to me how close you can be to a pillbox but miss it out. This time i had walked the wrong side of the line of hedge and found nothing. Tracking back and walking the correct side of the hedge i found it. Often i am seen wandering around the bushes in an aimless manner. When locating the BHQ for this site i scared a woman when emerging out onto the path from the line of trees.

Mounts for the frame for the Turnbulls.

Y shaped AR wall.

PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): S0012734
In hedge-line, West of Kings Worthy. Pillbox - type 22 variant. Metal frames on the embrasures to take Turnbull mountings.

Why bother!!

This pillbox is almost at the end of it's life, subsiding, the potch entrance has fallen away and laying upside down, cracks at each corner of the facings, anti ricochet wall fallen away, roof collapsing, floor in a bad way etc.....though it does add for some interesting photos.

Porch entrance.

Original position of the porch.

Pillbox - unclassified. Rectangular. Well dug in. Has fittings for Turnbull mountings. 1998 Rectangular concrete bunker - with embrasures for field of sight[?]. Local records call it the Infantry Command Bunker: it is not a convention Battle Headquarters.
Heading back up the way i came to go home and with a dead battery, i came across what is listed as a battle headquarters. Set low with 7 gun embrasures. Three in the half closest to the entrance and four on the other side. There is only one way to get in and that involves dropping down. climbing out could be a right pain for some though.

Time was getting on now and the camera shut down - totally out of power. i need to get back to this site. I shall edit this report when i find the photos for the rest of the pillboxes that i covered.
Thanks for reading the report.
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